Leadership Positions

Leadership Positions

                                    Leadership Positions

Three leadership positions at Amercian Village : HLC, School Trip Manager and Vacation Camp Director.

Three leadership positions at American Village build on each other in a sequence. Each has its own requirements. You can start at any level, based on your experiences, training and competences. 

Level 1 --> Head Language Counselor (HLC), an activities counselor with extra leadership responsibilities. 

A previous American Village experience is required.

How to apply ? Using the Veteran Counselor application, update your CV and letter of motivation for the position.

Level 2 --> School Trip Manager – A director’s position, but only during School Trip Camps. 

The name in French is « Responsable Voyage Scolaire ». 

How to apply ? Using the correct application, School trip camp or school trip camp veteran , update your CV and letter of motivation for the position.

More information available in French only, as it is a pre-requesite, here

Level 3--> Vacation Camp Director – A director’s position during Vacation Camps. 

This position required certification in France: a BAFD or equivalent diploma. 

How to apply? Using the correct application, Vacation Camp Direteur (BAFD), Vacation Camp Directeur Veteran , update your CV and letter of motivation for the position.

More information available in French only, as it is a pre-requesite, here

Under certain conditions, American Village can help you finance your BAFD, more info here